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Details about the guided tour 'Guided Tour through the Roman Milan'

Foto Guided Tour through the Roman Milan
Foto Guided Tour through the Roman Milan
Foto Guided Tour through the Roman Milan
Category: Advanced Milan guided tours

Founded by the Insubran Celts in the fifth century BC, Milan was conquered by the Romans in 222 BC, gradually becoming one of the most important centers of the Empire. It was then chosen as the capital of the Western Empire in 286 AD and remained so for a century and a half, embellished with elegant public and private buildings: the Terme Erculeee, among the largest in Europe; structures used for the administration and representation as the Forum and the Imperial Palace, the fun, as the beautiful theater for the representation of comedies and rich Amphitheatre for the fights with the gladiators or the Circus to the races with horses and chariots.

You will be guided to the discovery of this glorious past through the testimonials left on a journey through the imagination of the magnificence and splendor of what was once one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

3 hours

On request
Info / Booking: send Email!