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Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione

Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione -  Churches / Religious buildings
Show an other treasure of art and history in Milan:
Milan - Churches / Religious buildings: Church of Santa Maria della ConsolazioneMostly represented styles: Baroque - Neoclassic

Nestled between the houses and with the facade a little bit backward, with a large pronaos in front of it and surrounded by a railing, the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione ("Holy Mary of Consolation") can easily pass unnoticed.
The interior, at first glance, is not particularly brilliant, with a single nave and without imposing decorations or shining colors. In reality, to a more careful visitor, it is able to offer many interesting details.

The present version of the church dates back to 1588.
The history of the church, however, began in the second half of the fifteenth century, when Galeazzo Maria Sforza built an oratory dedicated to the veneration of the image of Our Lady of Consolation, in place of a pre-existing chapel.
This oratory, according to some sources, was demolished in 1531 to make room for some of the castle's fortifications. In any case, it was finally built in the final actual version by the Agostinian Fathers, thanks to rich popular offerings, and consecrated in 1588.

The present church has a single nave with carved and painted ceiling, the only one among the churches in Milan, at least among the ones known by the writer (in the contrary it is a rather widespread solution in central and southern Italy).
There are four chapels per side. For the surfaces, very light pastel colors prevail, in sharp contrast to the pictorial decorations, largely of very dark tones.
Some of the most important artists of the Lombardy seventeenth century were involved in the decoration of the interior.
Of Camillo Procaccini are the four Doctors of the Church in the niches of the aisle corresponding to the first two chapels, ten of the Apostles depicted in the upper part of the nave and the canvases with the Birth and the Transit of the Virgin.
The Crucifix with Orant in the fourth chapel on the right is instead attributed to Nuvolone.
Above the third altar on the left there is the "Crib with Saints" by Gaudenzio Ferrari (Photo 9).
It is also worth mentioning the fifteenth century "Deposition" above the main altar.
The present façade, on two orders and preceded by a three-arches pronaos, was added only in 1836. Above, in the center, the "Virgin with two angels" group. Two angels are furthermore present on the sides.

If you are interested in a guided tour of this monument send an email!

Categories: Churches / Religious buildings

Largo Cairoli 1, Milano, Italia
Further pictures of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione in the section Photography
Milano: Facade of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milano: Detail of the ceiling of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milano: Apse of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milano: Interior of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione
Milano: Chapel of the Church of Santa Maria della Consolazione with the painting "Crib with Saints"