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Bollate (Milan, Italy): Villa Arconati

Foto Villa Arconati
Foto Villa Arconati
Foto Villa Arconati
Foto Villa Arconati
Foto Villa Arconati
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Places  of historical value  of artistic value around Milan (Italy): Villa ArconatiVilla Arconati, also known as the Castellazzo, is located in Castellazzo fraction of Bollate, within the Groane Park, just outside the borders of Milan.

The Villa is still flanked, as originally, by a large park in French style, by a rural village and by the church of San Guglielmo (the last two not shown on this page). It is an example of late Lombard baroque of the eighteenth century and is a national monument.
Villa Arconati was founded in 1610 starting from an ancient medieval core purchased by Galeazzo Arconati to make it a meeting and entertainment place for friends and guests, in accordance with the teachings of the Atlantic Code of Leonardo da Vinci (donated by Galeazzo Arconati in 1637 to the Library Ambrosiana, where it is now). The park is so enriched by sculptures, fountains, water features, exotic plants and animals. On the other side, in the museum works of art of great value were accumulated, including works by Parmigianino, Tiziano and even the Atlantic Code of Leonardo da Vinci and an imposing statue of Tiberius, said being of Pompey the Great.

Foto Villa Arconati -  Villas und palaces
Foto Villa Arconati -  Villas und palaces
Foto Villa Arconati -  Villas und palaces
Foto Villa Arconati -  Villas und palaces
Foto Villa Arconati -  Villas und palaces

Gradually expanded, Villa Arconati touched its peak in the eighteenth century, coming to own a large H structure comprising the west the entrance courtyard with its imposing front side, and to the east the noble court, with the inner porch overlooking the garden.
In 1772 the villa passed to the family Busca and in the twentieth century to Crivelli. In 1990 the complex was bought by a property company.

After a long period of decline, only a few years ago the villa has been returned open to visitors and restoration works still in progress are restoring a little piece by piece its original beauty. Unfortunately the interior furnishings and almost all the works of art have been sold or were otherwise lost. The villa currently houses the Augusto Rancilio Foundation, committed in a project of restoration and cultural conversion of the villa, as well as in the promotion of cultural and educational activities.

Although in many places the action of time has left its mark, the richness and the beauty of the decorations, the spaciousness and the impressive structure of the park make the complex of Villa Arconati a real treasure of art and history, able to strike and captivate the visitor.
Characteristic feature the many frescoed and decorated ceilings with extensive use of the technique of trompe-l'oeil, in particular to suggest the illusion of rooms with no ceiling.

A special mention is deserved by the great grand staircase, which houses a copy of the Laocoon, and by the Ballroom on the main floor, the ceiling of which hosts frescoes of the Chariot of the Sun, The Fall of Phaeton and the Allegory of Time. These paintings of mythological scenes, framed by great architecture trompe-l'oeil, are the most prestigious works of the brothers Galliari, painters and set designers of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan.

Villa Arconati is currently open for a fee. All details on the web site

Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value

Castellazzo di Bollate • 20021 Bollate (MI)
Further pictures of Villa Arconati in the section Photography
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Autumn colors in the park of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Fresco of the Sun Carriage in the Ballroom of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Trompe-l'oeil sky on the ceiling of one of the rooms of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): The old aviaries in the park of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Trompe-l'oeil ceiling in a corridor of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Diana Theatre in the park of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Doors in line inside Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Autumn in the park of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Fountain in the park of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Decorated wall and ceiling of one of the rooms of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Trompe-l'oeil busts in a corridor of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Frescoed walls of the grand staircase of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Trompe l'oeil architectural structures in the hall of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Fresco of the Fall of Phaeton in the Ballroom of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Ceiling of the grand staircase of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Library of Villa Arconati
Bollate (Milan, Italy): Painted ceiling in Villa Arconati