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Details about the guided tour 'The early underground Christian Milan'

Foto The early underground Christian Milan
Foto The early underground Christian Milan
Foto The early underground Christian Milan
Foto The early underground Christian Milan
Foto The early underground Christian Milan
Category: Advanced Milan guided tours

A jump in the vestiges of a glorious period of the city of Mediolanum, which in the fourth century becomes the engine of the process of Christianization of the Western Empire.
We will retrace the story of how the christian cult,come from the East, was able to penetrate every layer of the heterogeneous urban society, a mosaic of religions and cultures, taking precedence over all other religious beliefs. We will meet the secret places where the first community gathered to practice their faith without incurring the fiercest persecution, a difficult period followed by the one during which the imposing and magnificent early Christian basilicas and precious Baptisteries were built.
Following the recognition of freedom of religion with the Edict of Milan, issued by Emperor Constantine in 313, an ambitious building program conducted by Bishop Ambrose was preparing to radically transform the city enriching it with magnificent monuments to faith in Christ, of which today we still preserve spectacular testimonies.

3 hours

On demand
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