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What to visit around Milan of historical value in Caravaggio (Bergamo)

Milan is surrounded by numerous places worth a visit, places of historical, artistic, landscape or naturalistic value.
Unfortunately some of them are a bit overshadowed by the proximity of the Lombard metropolis, so that they are not so famous and visited as they would deserve. This concerns in particular the foreign tourism, but also many inhabitants of Milan often know better places far away rather cities and towns closest to where they live, though often very rich in art and history.
The page has no claim to completeness, nor to uniformity: the places listed range from the most famous art cities to small almost unknown treasures of art and history. The only criterion is that they can be visited during a one-day visit and they are able to amaze visitors.

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Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Caravaggio
Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Church of San Bernardino
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps
Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Church of Santa Elisabetta
Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Church of Santa Liberata
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps
Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Church of the Saints Fermo and Rustico
Caravaggio (Bergamo) - Sanctuary of Caravaggio
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps
Categories: Places of historical value of artistic value
Position on Google Maps

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What to visit in Bellusco (Monza e Brianza)What to visit in Bergamo
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What to visit in Brugherio (Monza e Brianza)What to visit in Busto Arsizio (Varese)
What to visit in Canzo (Como)What to visit in Caravaggio (Bergamo)
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What to visit in Cavenago di Brianza (Monza e Brianza)What to visit in Cavernago (Bergamo)
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What to visit in Monza (Monza e Brianza)What to visit in Novara
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What to visit in Vigevano (Pavia)What to visit in Vimercate (Monza e Brianza)
What to visit in Vimodrone (Milano)