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Novara (Italy): Frescoes on the ceiling of the apse of the Church of San Pietro al Rosario

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Novara (Italy): Frescoes on the ceiling of the apse of the Church of San Pietro al Rosario
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Date: 25/03/2016 Camera: Panasonic DMC-G2 Lens: Lumix G HD 14-140mm ISO: 100 Exposure time: 2.5/4/6
Aperture: 4.7 Focal length: 50mm Place: Novara (Italy) Subject: Frescoes on the ceiling of the apse of the Church of San Pietro al Rosario
Notes: Fusion (obtained Using the page HDR on line on this site) of two pictures on a scale of 1.5 stops.
The Church of San Pietro al Rosario represents one of the baroque jewels in the Novara area.
The frescoes in the presbytery and in the apse were painted by Giovanni Mauro Della Rovere known as the Fiamminghino in the second quarter of the seventeenth century. In the apsidal basin, in particular, the martyrdom of St. Peter Martyr is represented.

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Novara (Italy) - Frescoes on the ceiling of the apse of the Church of San Pietro al Rosario