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Portinari Chapel

Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Foto Portinari Chapel  -  Churches / Religious buildings
Show an other treasure of art and history in Milan:
Milan - Churches / Religious buildings: Portinari Chapel Mostly represented styles: Renaissance

The Portinari Chapel is in fact part of the Basilica of Sant Eustorgio . Because of its beauty, its width and the fact that its access is not free of charge, unlike the rest of the basilica, it was decided to dedicate to it a special page.

It was built starting from 1462 at the behest of Pigello Portinari, who wanted to to be built at his own expense as shrine for the relic of St. Peter of Verona. Pigello Portinari himself was then buried in the chapel in 1468.

The Portinari Chapel itself includes two square rooms aligned parallel to the major axis of the church. It represents the first example of a sacred building with square simmetries in Milan.
The cycle of frescoes depicting the life of St. Peter Martyr is by Vincenzo Foppa. The four plumes are home of portraits of the four Fathers of the Church: St. Gregory the Great, St. Jerome, St. Ambrose and St. Augustine.

At the center of the Portinari Chapel there is the Ark of Saint Peter Martyr, a masterpiece of Giovanni Balducci from Pisa, commissioned by the Dominicans to hold the remains of St. Peter Martyr preserved in the church since 1252. The eight pillars present in it correspond to the eight theological and moral virtues. The sarcophagus is entirely decorated with allegorical statues and bas-reliefs.

Visiting the Portinari Chapel gives also access to the two chapels of St. Paul, richly decorated with frescoes, and of St. Francesco, as well as to the Monumental Sacristy, in which various relics and reliquaries and numerous votive objects of great value are preserved.

The Portinari Chapel surprises by its beauty. In the brighter days, the white walls seem to dissolve and cause the chapel, dominated by pastel colors, to appear to be floating in the void. The coloring in concentric zones of different colors whith a superimposed slivers pattern makes the perception of the real height of the dome difficult, increasing the sense of indefiniteness of the interior space.

More photos on the Google+ page!

If you are interested in a guided tour of this monument send an email!

Categories: Churches / Religious buildings

Piazza Sant Eustorgio, 20122 Milano
Further pictures of the Portinari Chapel in the section Photography
Milano: Portinari Chapel inside the Basilica of Sant Eustorgio