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Details about the guided tour 'Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum'

Foto Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum
Foto Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum
Foto Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum
Foto Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum
Foto Guided tour of Sant'Ambrogio Basilica and Museum
Category: Advanced Milan guided tours

The Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, built in the fourth century at the behest of Ambrose, is second in importance only to the Duomo. Its history is intertwined with that of the great saint and with the spread of the christian religion in the provinces of the Western Roman Empire. The saint's remains still lie buried in the crypt.

Over the centuries after its construction many changes in its structure took place: in the ninth century with Angilberto II, which was responsible for creating the famous golden altar of Vuolvinio, a masterpiece of the Carolingian goldsmith's art in the eleventh century, the church acquired the Romanesque appearance, becoming the prototype of the Lombard Romanesque style. In the fifteenth century, under the regency of the Benedictines, Donato Bramante was commissioned the construction of a new rectory, which today can be admired in all its splendor. At last the reconstructions after the bombings of 1943 that caused many demages.

Inside of the church there are some of the most important works of art scene in Milan as the coffin of late Roman Stilicho, the shrine of San Vittore in Ciel d'oro with its precious mosaics of the fifth century, the aforementioned golden altar, the ciborium of the Ottonian period, the works of great masters such as Bergognone, Luini and Tiepolo.

The tour will continue in the adjacent Museum of the Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio, which houses many artifacts that, starting from classical antiquity, evidence of the great importance that the church up to the present day.

1.5 hours

On demand
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