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Miagliano (Biella, Italy): Interior of the Church of St. Antony Abbot

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Miagliano (Biella, Italy): Interior of the Church of St. Antony Abbot
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Date: 17/09/2020 Camera: Fuji x-s1 Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 100 Exposure time: 1-1/2-1/4
Aperture: 2.8 Focal length: 24mm Place: Miagliano (Biella, Italy) Subject: Interior of the Church of St. Antony Abbot
Notes: Fusion (obtained Using the page HDR on line on this site) of two pictures separated by 2 stops.
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Miagliano (Biella, Italy) - Interior of the Church of St. Antony Abbot