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Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Male Cheiracanthium punctorium

Only rekords containing (in Subject or in Place or in Notes) the key words:
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Portrait of Onychogomphus forcipatus
Milan (Italy): Ripped fresco of the Assumption in the Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Male robber fly of the genus Machimus, probably rusticus
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Male Cheiracanthium punctorium
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Female Phalangium opilio
Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy): Female Phalangium opilio close up
Milan (Italy): Madonna with Child of the fourteenth century on the fourth left pillar of the Basilica of Sant'Eustorgio
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Date: 25/06/2022 Camera: Fuji x-s1 Lens: Fisso - Fixed ISO: 100 Exposure time: 1/320
Aperture: 5 Focal length: 135mm Place: Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy) Subject: Male Cheiracanthium punctorium
Notes: 0

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Cadrezzate (Varese, Italy) - Male Cheiracanthium punctorium